Facebook Will Destroyed By Hackers Anonymous

Named Hacker Hacker group Anonymous is frankly stated in the Public either via Youtube and various other online media threatened to destroy the popular Social Networking Sites ie Facebook in a range of time 5 November 2011.If you are not familiar with the hacker group Anonymous is, of course, is unfortunate because this hacker group is a group of very active hacking on various sites in the world, including the FBI website and the U.S. military. Hacker group Anonymous is politically charged and very respected in the world of Maya.

"The media of communication so you Puja will soon be destroyed," the group said in a transcript of his YouTube videos. "
"If you are a hacktivist and willing to participate or want to destroy berpartifasi Facebook, you can register there through a secret email to be sent, following the ways and rules of the game, reports the group."
What is the main reason for eliminating a Facebook Anonymous?According to Anonymous, Facebook has been selling the data users to clandestine agents who then delivers the data to the security company to spy on Facebook users around the world.
Anonymous claims that performed as well as any privacy settings on Facebook, it is not very helpful because there is nothing personal on Facebook. According to Anonymous, Facebook users know the family better than users of Facebook itself. Furthermore Anonymous said if a delete his account on Facebook, the actual account is not deleted, all personal information remains on the Facebook site and at times can be restored. Anonymous provide a target up to 5 November 2011 for the Facebook users to think and to save their data.
Though Anonymous has managed to hack a few large sites in the past, however this action is questionable, whether this will work against Facebook. When you consider that the hacker group has been given several months to prepare for an attack on Facebook, The Facebook Is Already prepare?.
Nothing is impossible in this world, Far from Facebook, Google was still in the land Paralyzed Bamboo blinds (China) Due to Hacker Attacks China. This threat can not be underestimated. It is at once a warning for Facebook users to actually keep their data on Facebook. This means do not be too confident that your data is safe on Facebook.
Facebook, which now represent more than 750 million people are targeted very empuk.Kita can not imagine, if on November 5, later a few hundred million Facebook users data will be hacked by Anonymous. When we see the goal, that is disabling or in the video is said to "destroy" some 750 million Facebook users will lose their data. Not only that, look at the many companies that have business on the Facebook page and would not be any harm they will experience.Quickly packing up your data on Facebook.

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Anonim mengatakan...

I do not think it possible. because if facebook will be destroyed by the anonymous, would not only be detrimental to the facebook only.

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:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))